Computer simulations are an indispensable tool in the design of products and production processes. Virtual models replace real models. In the creation of this virtual world, mathematics is a key technology. At Fraunhofer, we combine mathematical modeling with HPC expertise to provide powerful simulation tools.

In common simulation workflows, the preprocessing step consisting of mesh generation and adaption is very time consuming. It leads to increasing costs in product development. With MESHFREE, we provide a solution to overcome this bottleneck. The simulation tool follows an innovative point cloud approach, avoiding meshes, and thus enabling engineers to design their products much faster.

MESHFREE is a Powerful Simulation Tool for:

  • fluid dynamics
  • continuum mechanics
  • multiphase scenarios

Video: MESHFREE is awarded with Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize

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The MESHFREE Team is awarded with the 2024 Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize.

From the automotive sector to production, simulations and digital twins are crucial to many companies. Because conventional software is often inadequate at modeling highly dynamic processes, our researchers have developed MESHFREE. This solution works without a rigid computational grid and can save a great deal of time when simulating complex processes, and it also cuts costs. Our efforts have now earned us the 2024 Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize.

Powerful Simulation

Our software MESHFREE enables virtual product development in the early stages of design.

More information about the advantages of MESHFREE:

Software Documentation

Installation guide, getting started, scripting language for input files, release notes, ...

Media, Publications and Flyer

MESHFREE press releases, publications and flyer.

Contact Us

If you are interested in our software MESHFREE or have questions about the product, please contact us directly via our contact form.