Anuga FoodTec

With 50.000 visitors from 152 countries Anuga FoodTec set a new record in its 22-year history. Fraunhofer ITWM and Fraunhofer SCAI presented their new simulation tool MESHFREE at the Fraunhofer booth in hall 4.2.

At Anuga Food Tec, exhibitors present technology related to the production, transportation and packaging of food and beverages, including packing materials, refrigeration and air-conditioning technology and filling and packaging technology.

Fraunhofer ITWM and Fraunhofer SCAI saw a need for simulation technology in this industry. The two institutes showcased the capabilities of MESHFREE with a number of simulations tailored to the audience at the fair. The videos were greatly appreciated by the visitors. In case you did not get a chance to visit Anuga Food Tec this year, you can watch the videos here.

A number of contacts were established between the institutes and other industrial exhibitors and visitors. Fraunhofer ITWM and Fraunhofer SCAI are looking forward to establishing some fruitful cooperations in the food and beverage industry.